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Welcome back to your empowered masculinity!


I want to make (what some perceive as) a bold statement.


I have been there when everything changes.......

and because you.... started to believe and trust yourself more.


You can enhance your sexual health once you get a glimpse first.


No matter how much you research data and google, you can improve your health in the areas you are expert in and when you do what is required to get there and your body is not too burdened.


We have been successful in men’s health enhancement of Sexual and Prostate Health and long lasting relief of pain and stress.


Why am i confident to say you will improve incrementally for you too?


because its been done successfully with average to good health clients


and there are tools, appoaches and sytems that can revitalize areas of the body that need support.


The body is a beautiful, intelligent and forgiving operating system that works even without you thinking


and it will transform your life!

One precaution.....when the mind is not over controlling it.


I am trying to be as simple as i can.

Please don’t underestimate this because i am not using medical terms....


Let your body self-heal and your mind accepting it as so.



This huge endeavour for the enhancement of your sexuality is complex and not just a square inch issue but


ia mind and body connection is required and holistic approach and i would even go to say its a mind body and soul connection.


Your vision and purpose gives you energy and positivity that will help you progress your sexual health journey.


It is like gas to help you move your car from a to b. The less resources you have, the longer it takes to reach this mountain.


Or you may need to walk! That is ok as long as you will enjoy the outcome. And can you enjoy the journey?


If you can handle a bit of engagement and commitment the world is your oyster. 


We can support you in your sexual health journey


with our intentional chinese based massage, oils and energy work and also scans but we are all in together to make this work for a great life full of passion and harmony














However, as you wake up (to your potential) and walk up the mountain, you will gain strength and courage to reach the top of this mountain.


If you want data please go to medical research outlets


but you will not be treated for the problem just data or exploratory work.


We will treat you with well-tested and proven techniques

and it will get better and better.


Alchemizing from the 15 years of what has worked with delicate nature of humans tackling with their sexuality.


The only issue is...there may be strong belief systems and lack of willpower.


We will need to choose to collaborate, this takes a lot of attention and precision to be aware and focused on what we aim for.


I ask for one thing.


We need to choose to work together with a common objective. Ok?

If you are in to get maximum benefits

please call me at 416 6544325


I will try to explain on why.....You need to engage and make it work for you.


If you are opened to letting it work for you too...then a focused and intentional and on purpose massage can work and change your life!


We invite you to call us 416 6544325 to book a 15 min call

And understand you and your situation better

Because if you scoff at it, i suggest you go see western medicine doctor and get a pill or needle or surgery. Ok?


We are here to help you when you are all in.


You can rebuild your sensoriality by going back inside your “spaceship”, your self-healing body!


For basics on therapy and symptoms please read here.


​​The power of the mind!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Aging is a bit like mind control but in reverse.


A study in the USA  was conducted with a group of senior men who were placed in a location decorated like 30 years ago..and they were told to act like 30 years ago while there.


In a short period of time, they were able to reverse aging, pain and demeanour.  This mind and time frame affected their overall health positively! Many even grew taller and could walk without a cane.



You can shift and transcend your past with massage
men are happy when they can sleep.jpg

 Located in Toronto near Weston Train Station

Weston rd and Lawrence west, York


By appointment only - Call or text me 416 654 4325


South of highways 401-400- turn on Weston exit.


​Monday to Friday:         10a.m -8 p.m.

Sunday                          3p.m - 7 p.m.


​​​​​​​​Self-healing bodywork is based on

--doing it, not just theory or talking.

--somatic experience not just thinking about it.

--listening to your body's signal not heresay or google searches

--positive experiences with real clients/ bodies .


© 2023 Copyright by Joanna Recine

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