Self-healing massage Toronto #1
When you can tune and take inventory is when you can take off and get incremental changes. Know where you come from and be grateful

This technique is known today as reflexology was used in some form by shamans thousands of years ago. Dr. William Fitzgerald revived...

Prostate self-knowledge #4
Prostate produces enzymes called proteases which chew things up and keeps the prostate clean. Try a natural health enhancement? External...

Prostate self-knowledge #3
It seems like scientists still can't have enough understanding of this prostate gland, even though it provides important fluid for the...

Prostate self-knowledge #2
The prostate gland grows in the late forties and keeps growing and by the age of 80, 2/3 of men have an enlarged prostate. The problem...

Prostate self-knowledge #1
The prostate is a 20 milligrams gland resembling a quarter; deep inside you in front of the rectum and below the bladder surrounded by...

you cannot just look at videos and think you know what it's about!
it's another person massaging you can't copy and paste the massage practitioner you don't know how the client feels you can't copy and...

You can help heal your prostate with ease!
You cannot imagine how we can help you reduce your urinary symptoms at night time and day time whether frequent urination, dribble,...
The natural way to re-learn how to feel your body is via massage.
When we talk about physical feelings it can encompass all the different feelings the body feels including warmth, pain, pleasure, cold,...
What do you do when you have pains? Do you do random activities or do you plan a new habit?
Do you do yoga once a month? Do you walk once a month? Do you do fitness once a month? And expect results? No So why would you think...